Chantier participatif : Brico cabanes à Auberive (52)

Chantier participatif Brico Cabanes avec le Centre d’Initiation à la Nature
Renseignements et inscriptions : 00 33 (0)6 98 91 71 86,
9h-17h : The Charbonnier hut began to be refurbished this autumn during an initial worksite. We'll be finishing the job before the summer bivouacs! On the programme: shaping the shingles by hand (with the donkey bench and the plane) and installing the roof slopes (work partly at height). Make sure you wear weather-appropriate work clothes. Packed lunch. Accommodation available at the forest house.
Maison forestière de Charbonnières, 9 rue du Val Clavin ou directement aux Sources de l’Aube.